About Wesley Dean

I have over a decade of experience producing videos for nonprofits, government organizations, churches and businesses. I’ve had the opportunity to travel around the world capturing beautiful images from the Andes mountains in Ecuador, the Savanna in Tanzania, or the beaches of The Philippines.

I love working with people who are making a difference in the world and improving lives.


After a while I realized that my work wasn’t having the impact I wanted not because my images didn’t look good or I did a bad job editing the videos, but because there wasn’t always a clear strategy for how these videos were going to be used. What I found was that people needed more help with coming up with a plan than they needed me to just produce stories that looked good. 

A compelling story can move people to action, but if people don’t have a clear step to take after being moved, they won’t take it.  

And if the story they hear doesn’t line up with an organization’s central message to begin, there will only be confusion that leads to a lack of trust.

If the person managing this whole process, can’t lead well, having an all-star team won’t do any good.

There will be confusion, people won’t know what is expected of them and how everyone needs to work together. This is where I have seen how leadership is important to the creative process and making content that is aligned to an organization's central message and then in turn makes the world a better place.

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